Saturday, May 7, 2011

The NYC Yield Sign: It's No Longer Yellow

The quintessential meal in the Big Apple is a slice of pizza with your choice of Snapple. If a pizza place doesn’t have both, walk out. Okay, so maybe it’s not quite like that for everyone, but I’ve been taught by Philip that in NYC, you drink Snapple while you eat your pizza.
NYC is littered with pizzerias. Every couple of stores, you’re likely to find some sort of pizza shop, whether it’s one of the many Famous Ray’s Pizzas (Original Famous Ray’s, Famous Ray’s Original, Famous Ray’s, etc...they all think they’re the original, but the eternal question is - was there ever an original?), a mom and pop joint, or some NYC or nationwide chain. Pizza joints really are everywhere. You might pay $.99 a slice or $5 a slice, all depending on which one you end up walking into.
With so many pizzerias in the City, how do you know which you should choose? This may be NYC, and it may have more pizza joints than any other place in the world, but they are not all worth visiting.
Your pizza destination: What are you looking for in a pizza?

Yield Sign Pepperoni Pizza
a. The best pizza in town. Grimaldi’s Pizzeria (Don’t let the AZ locations fool you...They’re good, but the Brooklyn location is best.)
b. The biggest pizza in town. Koronet Pizzeria
c. A pizza made just for me. Can’t help you there (Unless you sit down at a restaurant, pizzas are generally sold by the slice. They’re pre-made cheese pizzas, they add your desired toppings, and they throw it in the oven to warm it up for you.)
d. I don't know what I'm looking for. Grimaldi's Pizzeria or Koronet Pizzeria.
    Okay, so there are many more than two good pizzerias to choose from in NYC, but these are the two that Philip and I have become particularly attached and drawn to during the times we’ve come to the CIty.

    Today’s visit was to Koronet Pizzeria on 110th Street and Broadway. What makes this pizzeria so good is the sheer size of its pizza slices. Although yield signs are typically yellow and black, we’ve dubbed Kornet’s pizzas “Yield Sign Pizzas” because that’s how big the slices are. Notice in the picture above that the slice is as big as the plastic tray, and the plastic tray is the typical size you would find in any fast food restaurant. 1 yield sign pepperoni pizza, 1 regular cheese pizza, and 2 snapples: $11.25.

    As Philip and I at our pizzas, I noticed someone ordered two yield sign pizza slices to go - they just barely fit inside a whole pizza box.

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